Sarah Gibeault - "Abstract Play #1"

Sarah Gibeault - "Abstract Play #1"
Artist: Sarah Gibeault
Title “Abstract Play #1”
About the Artist:
Sarah Gibeault is a Canadian artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Her experiments in abstraction are explorations based on her traditional training in fine art. These works are expressions, lacking in clear representation while pulling on relationships between colour and shape. Pictures form like musical compositions dancing in space, deviating from formality, representation and truthfulness. Each abstract work is a play with fields of colour, space, shapes, patterning and balance. The process of forming these relationships brings about harmony in the final composition. An element of chance instructs the process while works are composed. The amount of randomness in each work allows the artist’s emotional state and her expressive position to influence the painting.
How has covid19 affected you?
“I lost my job as a design consultant and am now focusing on my art practice..” - Sarah